Browsing the 2018 archive of Blog

Trivia - December 30

Posted by paul fritz on 12/22/18

Question: What popular Christmas holiday song was written during and released during the Cuban missile crisis and was a plea for peace?Answer: "Do You Hear What I Hear?"read more

Trivia - December 16

Posted by paul fritz on 12/15/18

Question:  Joseph, the spouse of the Virgin Mary, was originally from where?A. BethlehemB. NazarethC. HebronD. JerusalemAnswer: The Bible doesn't really tell us. In Luke's Gospel, he appears to live in Nazareth when betrothed to Mary, but travels to Bethlehem for the census as it is the Town of David ... Read More »

Trivia - December 9

Posted by paul fritz on 12/08/18

Question: Who told Mary to name her son Jesus?Answer: The Angel Gabriel (Luke 1:26-38)

Trivia - December 2

Posted by paul fritz on 12/01/18

Question: Who is credited with designing the Miraculous Medal, which has been worn around the necks of millions of Catholics?Answer: The design was given to St. Catherine Labouré in a vision from the Blessed Virgin Mary.Read more

Trivia - November 25

Posted by paul fritz on 11/24/18

Question: In what country would you find the Vatican Advanced Technology Telescope?Answer: In the USA. (southern Arizona)Read more

Trivia - November 18

Posted by paul fritz on 11/17/18

Question: The Pope is protected by the Swiss Guard, which is the oldest active military unit in continual existence since 1506. Who is credited with designing the Swiss Guards' uniforms and where (in what country or countries) do they complete their military training?Answer: The current uniform was designed not ... Read More »

Trivia - November 11

Posted by paul fritz on 11/10/18

Question: If you were to take a visit to the Vatican and were able to see the Pope, what color shoes would he probably be wearing?Answer: Traditionally, red. Pope Francis, however, prefers black. Pope John Paul II preferred brown.

Trivia - November 4

Posted by paul fritz on 11/03/18

Question: Two books are used by the priest during the celebration of mass.  What are they called and how do they differ?Answer: Lectionary and Sacramentary. The Lectionary contains all the readings (Old Testament Reading, Responsorial Psalm, Epistle, Alleluia with Verse, and Gospel) for Mass. The Sacramentary contains prayers, chants, ... Read More »

Trivia - October 28

Posted by paul fritz on 10/27/18

Question: Is keeping pictures or statues of saints idolatry?Answer: Noread more

Trivia - October 21

Posted by paul fritz on 10/20/18

Question: He was the first Pope to leave Italy since 1809, representing the first ever papal pilgrimage to the Holy Land. He also made the first papal visit to the Americas (yes both North and South America), to Africa, to Oceania and to Asia, visiting a total of six ... Read More »