Browsing the June 2022 archive of Blog

Trivia - June 26

Posted by paul fritz on 6/24/22

Question: What is the "Preface" within the Mass?




Answer: The Preface is the first part of the Eucharistic Prayers. 

Trivia - June 19

Posted by paul fritz on 6/18/22

Question: What is “viaticum”?



Answer: In Latin, it means provisions for a journey. In the Catholic Church, Viaticum is a term for the Eucharist given to a person in danger of death as part of last rites.

Trivia - June 12

Posted by paul fritz on 6/10/22

Question: There are two Sundays on which water is NOT and seems never to be blessed. “The reason is because on the eve of these two feasts, water for the baptismal fonts is blessed & consecrated and before its mixture with the holy chrism, the faithful are allowed to ... Read More »

Trivia - June 5

Posted by paul fritz on 6/03/22

Question: How many of the Books of the New Testament were written and are credited to St. Paul?




Answer:  Thirteen or fourteen of the 27 books of the New Testament are traditionally credited to St. Paul. However, only seven of them are accepted as authenticly authored ... Read More »