Browsing the March 2021 archive of Blog

Trivia - March 28

Posted by paul fritz on 3/25/21

Question: In what condition was the body of Christ while it lay in the tomb?


Answer: The body was dead, but preserved from corruption.

Trivia - March 21

Posted by paul fritz on 3/18/21

Question: What is the name of the path in Jerusalem that is thought to have been walked by Jesus on his way to His Crucifixion?


Answer: Via Dolorosa


Trivia - March 14

Posted by paul fritz on 3/12/21

Question: When Pope Clement VIII encountered this drink in the 16th century, his advisors encouraged him to ban it. However after tasting it, Pope Clement said "This Satan's Drink is so delicious that it would be a pity to let infidels have exclusive use of it". What is this ... Read More »

Trivia - March 7

Posted by paul fritz on 3/05/21

Question: In what ways does Joseph, son of Jacob, from the book of Genesis, prefigure Saint Joseph?A) They shared the same name.B) They received special messages through dreams.C) They saved their families by bringing them to Egypt.D) All of the above.


Answer: D) All of the above.