Browsing the February 2020 archive of Blog

Trivia - February 23

Posted by paul fritz on 2/21/20

Question: Many Catholic saints are portrayed with a typical symbol. Which bishop (and Saint) is usually seen with some bees?

Answer: St Ambrose 


Refuge House for Men

Posted by paul fritz on 2/21/20

The season of Lent especially reminds us to do kind things for others. It was decided at the Parish Council meeting this past week to help with a request for help from the Brighton Ministerial Association. They have partnered with Word Alive Christian Outreach Ministries, a Christ-Centered non profit ... Read More »

Trivia - February 16

Posted by paul fritz on 2/15/20

Question: On the wall of which saint's room did he/she have the following sentence written in large letters: "Here we do not speak evil of anyone." Who is this Saint?

Answer: St. Augustine of Hippo


Trivia - February 9

Posted by paul fritz on 2/08/20

Question:  Valentine's Day received its name from a widely recognized third century Roman saint.  What type of clergyman was he?A) Catholic priestB) Catholic BishopC) A Pope

Answer: A) or B) is acceptable. There were multiple St. Valentines and their stories are sparse and often mixed with each other. One ... Read More »

Trivia - February 2

Posted by paul fritz on 2/01/20

Question: According to St. John Chrysostom what special thing did God give to priests that not even angels received?

Answer: The power to forgive sins. "Priests have received a power which God has given neither to angels nor to archangels. It was said to them: 'Whatsoever you shall bind ... Read More »