Browsing the June 2015 archive of Blog

Trivia - Moses First Census

Posted by paul fritz on 6/27/15

Question: At the time of the census which was conducted by Moses in the first chapter of the Book of  Numbers, which of the twelve tribes of Israel was the largest?Answer: The Tribe of Judah was the largest. Manasseh is the smallest tribe.See Numbers 1:20-46

Trivia - Gomer

Posted by paul fritz on 6/20/15

Question: My name is Gomer, and I was the wife of a prophet. I was also a woman who had managed to live what might today be called a "rough lifestyle", because prior to my marriage I was what was commonly called a "harlot".  Who was my husband, who ... Read More »

Trivia - Jacob and Esau

Posted by paul fritz on 6/13/15

Question: How does Jacob steal his brother Esau's inheritance rights? Bonus question:  What is Jacob's alternate name?Answer: Esau gave away his inheritance for a bowl of food. Jacob wanted the birthright while Esau cared little for it. (Gn 25) Later, when their father Isaac was old and blind, at ... Read More »

Trivia - Promised Land

Posted by paul fritz on 6/13/15

Question: What do Moses and Joshua forbid the Isarelites to do in the promised land?Answer: They were forbidden to intermarry with the native inhabitants of the promised land. Deuteronomy 7:3-4.