Browsing the September 2019 archive of Blog
Trivia - September 29
Posted by paul fritz on 9/28/19
Question: Which Saint is also a Doctor of the Church and when exhumed 336 years after his death was found with an uncorrupted tongue?Answer: St. Anthony of PaduaRead more
Trivia - September 22
Posted by paul fritz on 9/21/19
Question: In the fifth or sixth century there originated a priestly practice called "tonsure". What is tonsure and what is it symbolic of?Answer: Tonsure is the shaving of some or all of the hair on the top of the head as a sign of religious humility. When the whole ... Read More »
Trivia - September 15
Posted by paul fritz on 9/14/19
Question: The Catholic Church's official calendar observes the birthdays of only two saints. Who are these two Saints?Answer(s): Blessed Virgin Mary (September 8) and John the Baptist (June 24).
Trivia - September 8
Posted by paul fritz on 9/07/19
Question: Who is the saint who translated the first one-volume Bible from Hebrew and Greek into his native Latin? It is also said that he removed a thorn for what animal which became his "pet".Answer: St. Jerome/a lion
Trivia - September 1
Posted by paul fritz on 8/31/19
Question: Which gospel records the fewest of the miracles performed by Jesus?Answer: John records the fewest number of miracles performed by Jesus.