Browsing the January 2020 archive of Blog

Trivia - January 26

Posted by paul fritz on 1/25/20

Question: Liturgical vesture consists of various articles of clothing -- let us see if you can define/identify the following items:  Alb vs. Chasuble vs. Cassock vs. Surplice.

Answers: Alb - an ankle-length white tunic that is typically girdled with a belt or rope at the waist.Chasuble - a sleeveless ... Read More »

Trivia - January 19

Posted by paul fritz on 1/18/20

Question: What is the difference between the Sanctuary Candle and the Altar Candle?

Answer: The Sanctuary Candle sits near the tabernacle, usually in a red glass, and is always burning to indicate and honor the presence of Christ. The lighted altar candles symbolize the "light of Christ".


Trivia - January 12

Posted by paul fritz on 1/11/20

Question: In Psalm 90:10 we hear of our allotted span and our natural life. Fill in the blanks:  "_________ is the sum of our years, or _________ if we are strong."

Answer: Seventy; eighty


Trivia - January 05

Posted by paul fritz on 1/05/20

Question: Of the mysterious Magi, there is only a short mention of them in the Scriptures. Let us see if you can match the correct  gift to the correct Magi----gifts were Gold, Myrrh and Frankincense;  the three Kings were Baltasar, Gaspar and Melchior.

Bonus question:  According to legend (not ... Read More »