Browsing the May 2014 archive of Blog
Trivia - Skullcaps
Posted by paul fritz on 5/30/14
Question: What is the name of the Catholic cleric's skullcap? The Pope wears a white one, Cardinals wear a scarlet one, Bishops wear a purple one and priests wear what color if they wear one at all?Answer: a zucchetto. Priests wear black, if they do wear one.Read more:
Trivia - Internet and Sacrament
Posted by paul fritz on 5/24/14
Question: Peruvian Bishops have cautioned the faithful that what sacrament cannot be "heard" over the internet, citing Canon Law 964.Answer: Peruvian bishops warn that Confession cannot be heard over the internet. Canon Law 964 requires the physical presence of both the penitent and confessor.For more details, follow this link:
HS Graduation Mass - May 18
Posted by paul fritz on 5/12/14
Congratulations to our graduating high school seniors! They will be introduced at the graduation mass on May 18.
From FairfieldKeegan Drish, son of Roger and Corrie DrishFrom PekinEric Adam, son of Andy and Patty AdamTiana Slaney, daughter of William and Sue SlaneyFrom WaylandTympest Crawford, daughter of Tommy and Katie Crawford
Trivia - Holy Days of Obligation
Posted by paul fritz on 5/09/14
Question: How many Holy Days of Obligation are there on the United States Roman Catholic Church calendar for 2014?Answer: There are five Holy Days of Obligation in 2014. All Saints Day obligation is lifted because it falls on a Saturday. Holy Day Date Notes Mary, Mother of God Wednesday, ... Read More »
Trivia - Ancient Languages
Posted by paul fritz on 5/02/14
Question: Though the New Testament was written in Greek, what was the basic language used throughout the Roman Empire? Bonus Question: What language was spoken in the area that Jesus grew up in?Answer: Latin was the language of the Roman Empire Bonus Answer: Jesus grew up speaking Aramaic; ... Read More »
video:Pope Francis Canonizes John XXIII, John Paul II
Posted by paul fritz on 5/01/14
Please click on the link below to view the video in a new window.