Browsing the January 2021 archive of Blog

Trivia - January 31

Posted by paul fritz on 1/30/21

Question: What is the term that signifies a church or other sacred place to which the faithful make pilgrimages for a particular pious reason with the approval of the local ordinary?


Answer: Shrine


Trivia - January 24

Posted by paul fritz on 1/23/21

Question: Who was given a son, following her prayer to God in the temple, during which the priest accused her of being drunk?

Answer: Hannah (1 Sam 1:9-19)


Trivia - January 17

Posted by paul fritz on 1/16/21

Question: In 2008, Col. Ronald Garan brought relics of St. Therese of Lisieux to a place they had never gone before. To what location were the relics brought?

Answer: The relics were brought onboard the shuttle Discovery during a space flight.

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Trivia - Janurary 10

Posted by paul fritz on 1/08/21

Question: What sacrifice did Mary and Joseph offer when the days of purification were complete after Jesus' birth?


Answer: A pair of turtledoves or two young pigeons. Luke 2:21–24


Triva - January 3

Posted by paul fritz on 1/02/21

Question: Who gave thanks to the Lord when she saw the baby Jesus?

Answer: The prophetess Anna (Luke 3:36-38)