Browsing the March 2019 archive of Blog

Trivia - March 31

Posted by paul fritz on 3/30/19

Question: The Songs of the Suffering Servant are found in the book of the Bible written by which prophet?Answer: Also called the Servant songs or Servant poems, four songs have been identified in the Book of Isaiah (42:1-4; 49:1-6; 50:4-7; and 52:13-53:12).

Trivia - March 24

Posted by paul fritz on 3/23/19

Question: What did John the Baptist wear and eat during his time in the desert?  How long was he in the desert?Answer: "John wore clothing made of camel's hair and had a leather belt around his waist. His food was locusts and wild honey." Matthew 3:4  John lived in ... Read More »

Trivia - March 17

Posted by paul fritz on 3/16/19

Question: St. Patrick's Day is used to celebrate what event of St. Patrick's life?A.) The day he was bornB.) The day he diedC.) The day he entered IrelandD.) The day he escaped slaveryAnswer: B.) The day he died

Trivia - March 10

Posted by paul fritz on 3/09/19

Question: "There cometh a woman of Samaria to draw water, and Jesus said unto her 'Give me to drink'".  The well where Jesus met the woman was known by what name?Answer: Jacob's well. (John 4:6)

Trivia - March 3

Posted by paul fritz on 3/02/19

Question: From which country did Moses help the Israelites escape from their lives of slavery?Answer: Egypt