Browsing the February 2022 archive of Blog

Trivia - February 27

Posted by paul fritz on 2/24/22

Question: Why is Lent forty (40) days long? Is it just a tradition or is there a biblical relationship?

Bonus Question: Throughout the Old Testament the number forty (40) carried a deep meaning.  Can you name at least two examples from the Old Testament?




Answer: 40 ... Read More »

Anointing Service CANCELED 2/24/2022

Posted by paul fritz on 2/24/22

The Anointing Service scheduled for Thursday 2/24/2022 has been canceled due to potentially worsening road conditions. 

The service is rescheduled for Thursday, March 3, 2022 at 6:30pm.

Trivia - February 20

Posted by paul fritz on 2/19/22

Question: Which Saint said “Oh Lord, grant me chastity and continence, but not yet”?




Answer: Saint Augustine of Hippo


Trivia - February 13

Posted by paul fritz on 2/10/22

Question: What is the gesture that the priest and the people make before the reading of the Gospel?

Bonus question: What does the gesture represent?




Answer: With our thumb, we make the sign of the Cross on our forehead, lips and heart just prior to the ... Read More »

Trivia - February 6

Posted by paul fritz on 2/04/22

Question: What is Candlemas, also known as the Purification of Our Lady?





Answer: Candlemas is a Christian holiday that celebrates three events: presentation of Jesus, Purification of Our Lady, and Jesus' first entry into the temple. It is celebrated 40 days after Christmas on February ... Read More »