Browsing the December 2016 archive of Blog

Trivia - December 25

Posted by paul fritz on 12/24/16

Question: Who decided that the date for Christmas would be December 25?Bonus question:  Which of the US states was the last to declare an official holiday for Christmas?Answer: Pope Julius IBonus Answer: Oklahoma in 1907Read More

Trivia - Mary's Journey to Visit Elizabeth

Posted by paul fritz on 12/17/16

Question: How far (approximately how many miles) did Mary of Nazareth travel to visit Elizabeth?Answer: Nearly 100 miles from Nazareth to the hills of Judah.Read more

Trivia - Who Is This Angel?

Posted by paul fritz on 12/10/16

Question: Who is the angel that appeared in Daniel's visions?  What else is this angel known for?Answer: The angel Gabriel is known as God's messenger. He appeared to the prophet Daniel and to Zacharias and to Mary.

Trivia - Zacharias

Posted by paul fritz on 11/30/16

Question: What happened to Zacharias after his encounter with an angel? Zacharias is the father of whom?Answer: He became mute until the child's circumcision/naming for not trusting the words of Gabriel. Zacharias was the father of John the Baptist.