Browsing the September 2016 archive of Blog

Trivia - Sale of Indulgences

Posted by paul fritz on 9/24/16

Question: What is the word that identifies the sin concerning the sale of indulgences?  From whom does this word derive?Answer: "simony" derived from Simon MagusRead more

Trivia - Saint: Soldier to Founder of Religious Order

Posted by paul fritz on 9/17/16

Question: Who is the saint that was a great soldier before he experienced a conversion of heart and established a religious order?Answer: St. Ignatius LoyolaRead more

Trivia - Saint Captured by Pirates?

Posted by paul fritz on 9/10/16

Question: This saint was captured by Barbary pirates and sole into slavery.  This French saint was held as a slave for two years by Muslims before escaping back to Europe.  Who is this Saint?Answer: St. Vincent de PaulRead more

Trivia - "Dumb Ox" Who Became Saint?

Posted by paul fritz on 9/03/16

Question: What saint and theologian was known for his tremendous weight?  He was described as an "ox" or a "bull" based upon his size.Answer: St. Thomas AquinasRead more: