The season of Lent especially reminds us to do kind things for others. It was decided at the Parish Council meeting this past week to help with a request for help from the Brighton Ministerial Association. They have partnered with Word Alive Christian Outreach Ministries, a Christ-Centered non profit organization who has a Refuge House for Men in Olds. Men will call the Refuge House their home while they reach their goal of self-sufficiency. They are given help to find gainful employment and financial stability, offered support and mentorship and new healthy relationships, counseling & guidance through process of recovery. They are provided with a safe harbor and time to see new and better Christ-filled lives.
Our project is to provide needed blankets, sheets, pillows, and towels for the home. We all have more than we need of these articles. Bring them to Coffee & Rolls on Sunday, March 1 and we will get them to the home.