Refuge House for Men

The season of Lent especially reminds us to do kind things for others. It was decided at the Parish Council meeting this past week to help with a request for help from the Brighton Ministerial Association. They have partnered with Word Alive Christian Outreach Ministries, a Christ-Centered non profit organization who has a Refuge House for Men in Olds.  Men will call the Refuge House their home while they reach their goal of self-sufficiency. They are given help to find gainful employment and financial stability, offered support and mentorship and new healthy relationships, counseling & guidance through process of recovery. They are provided with a safe harbor and time to see new and better Christ-filled lives.

Our project is to provide needed blankets, sheets, pillows, and towels for the home. We all have more than we need of these articles. Bring them to Coffee & Rolls on Sunday, March 1 and we will get them to the home.