Browsing the 2018 archive of Blog
Trivia - May 20
Posted by paul fritz on 5/19/18
Question: Shavuot, which Jesus' disciples were celebrating when the Holy Spirit descended on them, is the Jewish festival commemorating what event?Answer: Originally a harvest festival, it is also a remembrance of God giving the law (Torah) to the Jewish people on Mt. Sinai.
Trivia - May 13
Posted by paul fritz on 5/12/18
Question: Which Catholic saint sought the help of the Virgin Mary to defeat the Albigensian heresy?Answer: St. DominicRead more
Trivia - May 6
Posted by paul fritz on 5/05/18
Question(s): Our Lady Help of Christians (The Blessed Virgin Mary) is reported to have appeared in England in 1061 to Lady Richeldis de Faverches (a Saxon noblewoman) at Walsingham in Norfolk, England. What did the Blessed Virgin Mary ask for?Bonus question: Which religions have shrines at Walsingham that you ... Read More »
Trivia - April 29
Posted by paul fritz on 4/28/18
Question: Although not strictly an apparition how did Pope Pius XII explain the tears of a weeping statue of Our Lady (Virgin Mary) of Syracuse, Sicily, Italy in 1953?Answer: October 17, 1954Radio Message of Pius XII at the Marian Convention of Sicily“It is not without lively commotion that we ... Read More »
Trivia - April 22
Posted by paul fritz on 4/21/18
Question: According to the Roman Catholic Church, what is a Marian apparition?Answer: It a supernatural appearance of Mary to a person (or group of people) on earth.Read more
Trivia - April 15
Posted by paul fritz on 4/14/18
Question: If you exhibit wounds that correspond to the wounds of Jesus Christ, precisely what are you experiencing?Answer: StigmataRead more
Trivia - April 8
Posted by paul fritz on 4/07/18
Question: In John's Gospel two men helped prepare the body of Christ for burial. One is said to have been a secret disciple and another secretly came to Jesus early in the Jesus' ministry to ask a question. Who were these men who followed Jesus?Answer: Joseph of Arimathea and ... Read More »
Trivia - March 25
Posted by paul fritz on 3/24/18
Question: When did Jesus wash the feet of his disciples -- before or after the Last Supper?Answer: before. First Jesus washed the feet of his disciples, then identified Judas as his betrayer and sent him away, and then broke bread and shared wine at the last supper.
Trivia - March 18
Posted by paul fritz on 3/17/18
Question: Who wrote the first five books of the Old Testament of the Bible and in what language was the Old Testament written?Answer: Moses / Hebrew
Trivia - March 11
Posted by paul fritz on 3/10/18
Question: John the Baptist was put in prison for declaring that Herod had broken what law? After John the Baptist was arrested to where did Jesus travel?Answer: Adultery/Galilee (Matthew 14)