Question: Although not strictly an apparition how did Pope Pius XII explain the tears of a weeping statue of Our Lady (Virgin Mary) of Syracuse, Sicily, Italy in 1953?
October 17, 1954
Radio Message of Pius XII at the Marian Convention of Sicily
“It is not without lively commotion that we are aware of the unanimous declaration of the Episcopate of Sicily upon the reality of this event. Without a doubt Mary is in heaven eternally happy and suffers neither pain or sorrow; but she cannot remain insensitive, rather she always nourishes love and pity for the poor human race, which was given to her as their Mother, when sorrowful and tearful she remained at the foot of the Cross, where her Son was affixed. Will humanity understand the mysterious language of those tears? Oh the tears of Mary! Upon Golgotha they were tears of compassion for her Jesus and of sadness for the sins of the world. Does she cry again for the renewed wounds produced in the Mystical Body of Jesus? Or does she cry for so many sons, in which error and sin have extinguished the life of grace, and who gravely offend the Divine Majesty? Or are they tears awaiting the belated return of her other sons, once faithful, and now dragged down by the false mirage of the legions of the enemies of God?”
(A.A.S. 46 (1954) 658-661)
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