Browsing the 2018 archive of Blog

Trivia - March 4

Posted by paul fritz on 3/03/18

Question: Who is the ninety-eight year old man from the Bible  who was told about the capture of the ark of God as well as the deaths of his two sons and ended up dying when he fell backwards off his chair?Answer: Eli (1 Samuel 4:15-18)

Trivia - February 25

Posted by paul fritz on 2/24/18

Question: What quality of the Roman Catholic Church means that the Catholic Church will last until the end of time? A) IndefectibilityB) ApostolicC) InfallibilityD) Indelible

Answer: A) Indefectibility

Trivia - February 18

Posted by paul fritz on 2/17/18

Question: What biblical event does the time of Lent represent?Answer: Jesus fasted for forty days in the wilderness and was tempted by the devil (Matthew 4:1-2, Mark 1:12-13, Luke 4:1-2)

Trivia - February 11

Posted by paul fritz on 2/10/18

Question: The traditional patron saint of lovers is, of course, Saint Valentine.  Lovebirds, however, also have an angelic patron in this archangel, who "played Cupid" for Tobias and Sara.  Who is this archangel saint?Answer: "I am Raphael, one of the seven angels who stand in the glorious presence of ... Read More »

Trivia - February 4

Posted by paul fritz on 2/03/18

Question: Each Pope has his own coat of arms, but two keys, one gold and one silver, are used on every Papal Coat of Arms; what do these keys represent?Answer: The two crossed keys symbolize the powers Christ gave to the apostle Peter. The gold key represents the power ... Read More »

Trivia - January 28

Posted by paul fritz on 1/27/18

Question: Who is the young priest credited with the formation of the Knights of Columbus and where was this in the world?Answer: Father Michael J. McGivney, the 29-year-old assistant pastor of St. Mary’s Church in New Haven, ConnecticutRead more

Trivia - January 21

Posted by paul fritz on 1/20/18

Question: Currently the diocese of Davenport has how many living bishops?  When in past history of the diocese has there been this many living bishops residing within the boundaries of the diocese of Davenport?Answer: The diocese of Davenport currently has three living bishops (and this is the most it ... Read More »

Trivia - January 14

Posted by paul fritz on 1/13/18

Question: According to the Catholic Church in what year was the church founded?Answer: 33 A.D.Read more:

Trivia - January 7

Posted by paul fritz on 1/06/18

Question: "On the first day of Christmas, my true love gave to me, A partridge in a pear tree..." According to a Roman Catholic symbolic interpretation, who does the partridge represent in the carol The Twelve Days of Christmas?Bonus question: What does the pear tree represent?Answer: JesusBonus answer: The ... Read More »