Browsing the 2019 archive of Blog
Trivia - March 3
Posted by paul fritz on 3/02/19
Question: From which country did Moses help the Israelites escape from their lives of slavery?Answer: Egypt
Trivia - February 24
Posted by paul fritz on 2/23/19
Question: Who did Peter raise from the dead in Joppa?Answer: Tabitha (sometimes called Dorcas)Read moreActs 9:36-43
Trivia - February 17
Posted by paul fritz on 2/16/19
Question: Which Parable is this from? "Now by chance a priest was going down that road, and when he saw him he passed by on the other side."Answer: The Parable of the Good Samaritan. (Luke 10:29-37)
Trivia - February 10
Posted by paul fritz on 2/09/19
Question: What kind of wood did Noah use to build the Ark and with what material did Noah coat the Ark? How many stories high was the Ark?Answer: (See Genesis 6:14-16) Noah used gopherwood (which might be cypress) and coated it with pitch. The ark was to be 30 ... Read More »
Trivia - January 27
Posted by paul fritz on 1/22/19
Question: Relics are objects that are associated with saints and they are designated as either First Class or Second Class or Third Class. What is the difference determination between these three classes?Answer: First Class relics are part of the body of the saint. Second Class relics are pieces of ... Read More »
Trivia - January 20
Posted by paul fritz on 1/19/19
Question: Why did the Italian monk and stigmatist Saint Padre Pio appear in the sky during World War II? One of St. Padre Pio's gifts was bilocation, which is what?Answer: Padre Pio appeared in the sky to bomber groups to prevent them from bombing the town of San Giovanni ... Read More »
Trivia - January 13
Posted by paul fritz on 1/12/19
Question(s): There must have been a beautiful multitude of flowers in the Garden of Eden/Paradise and certainly there are many legends about them. One legend says there was only one plant salvaged from the Garden of Eden and Adam took it with him when he left Paradise -- what ... Read More »
Trivia - January 6
Posted by paul fritz on 1/05/19
Question: The French word "Noel" is often used and heard around the Christmas season, but what was its original meaning in Latin?Answer: The word noel can be traced back to the latin word "natalis" which can mean birthday or birth.