Things to know when attending Mass - Part XI

From Gert’s Catholic Library

The Concluding Rites follow the Liturgy of the Eucharist. This is the time when announcements of parish news are presented. Following this the priest gives a blessing for the people by instructing them to “Bow your heads and pray for God’s blessing” and then concludes by making the sign of the cross over the people, saying “May almighty God bless you, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.” We all respond, “Amen.”

Following the blessing we are dismissed with a final word from the priest which may be something like “The Mass is ended, go in peace to love and serve the Lord” or some variation of this. Our response is “Thanks be to God.”

Before departing, the priest shows his reverence to God by honoring the place where Christ comes to us in the Eucharist by kissing the altar and makes the customary act of veneration. The priest then exits the church following the altar servers down the center aisle. During this time the concluding hymn is sung.

As we leave our pew we should face the altar and either bow or genuflect (again repeating the same action that we performed when we entered), while making the sign of the cross. We should then proceed quietly out of the church. This is done in respect for those that choose to remain to pray. We should then again bless ourselves upon leaving the church using the holy water by the door.

We have just spent an hour listening, watching, and hopefully participating in the celebration of the Mass. Each time we attend Mass there are so many things that make it a powerful way to worship God, seek his forgiveness, and receive his love.