From Gert’s Catholic Library
There are many things within a church that help us prepare to celebrate the Mass. In addition to what was mentioned in Parts I and II, take time to observe your surroundings.
Take special note of the 14 icons on the walls around the church that depict Christ’s Passion and death. These are known as the “Stations of the Cross.” Special prayers and devotions are offered each Wednesday evening in our parish during Lent.
Candles are an important part of a Catholic Mass. On the altar you will see a minimum of two candles; one at each end of the altar table. The number will vary depending on that church’s custom and the priest celebrating the Mass. These candles are lit for the celebrations of Mass. There are also candles by the lectern. The Easter candle is lit at every Mass during the Easter season and for baptisms, confirmations, and funerals. The red sanctuary candle next to the tabernacle represents Christ’s presence and burns 24/7 with the exception of Good Friday-Easter Sunday as that is the time when Christ is in the tomb. For those wishing to light a candle and say a special prayer for someone in particular, there are prayer (votive) candles on a stand for just that purpose.
In preparing for Mass we can also observe other things of importance within the church. The color of the banners, altar clothes, and vestments worn by the priest represent the various “times within the Catholic Liturgical year.” The year starts with Advent, Christmas, ordinary time, Lent, Easter, and then a longer period of ordinary time that runs until the end the year.