Bishop Zinkula has given permission for Masses to resume in the Davenport Diocese on June 22, but with restrictions.
The first Mass at St Joseph in East Pleasant Plain will be Sunday, June 28.
Guidelines we will use, as instructed by our Bishop, to reopen Church for Mass on Sunday, June 28th.
** If you are sick please stay home, to watch the Mass online.
** Those who are at a greater risk of infection due to age or health condition are also advised to stay home and watch the Mass online.
1. As you come up to the front door of the Church, 2 ushers will greet you. They will have hand sanitizer for you to use & a mask (if you do not already have one.)
(Everyone is required to wear masks as long as you are in the Church) Ushers will have doors open. Bulletins will be on the stand in entryway. Please take one as there will not be greeters inside to hand them out.
2. Seating will be marked off 3 pews apart and 6 foot spacing within pews. Families may all sit together. You may not be sitting in the seat you usually are seated in. There is extra seating in choir area.
3. There will be no singing, all responses will be said (organ music will be provided.)
4. There are no altar servers, gift bearers , or Eucharistic ministers. (Father will distribute the Blessed Hosts. Precious blood will not be offered.)
5. There will not be a procession. The Priest will enter from sacristy.
6. Lector will sit on choir side
7. At the sign of peace there is no handshaking, just a friendly smile or wave.
8. Order of receiving the Eucharist:
A. Father will go to choir area & then to north side to distribute communion
B. There will be a table with hand sanitizer at the side of front pews. You will need to disinfect your hands before receiving the host. Come up in a single line, 6 feet apart. You must leave mask on while Father places host in your hand. Step aside, raise bottom of mask up to place host in mouth. Proceed to side aisle where there will be another table with hand sanitizer to sanitize your hands once more and then be seated.
C. Follow the same procedure with center aisle. One single line, 6 feet apart. Let all on south side go first and then the north side of center aisle. There will be a table 2 pews back in center aisle to sanitize hands before receiving the host. Leave mask on when you receive host in your hand and step to the side and consume the host. Go to side aisle and again sanitize your hands and return to your seat.
9. When dismissed you will leave immediately. Rows will be released one at a time starting from the back. Please maintain 6 feet distancing. If you wish to visit with parish friends you will be able to do that by distancing in open air outside. No visiting inside the church. Ushers will have door open.
10. The time gathered in the closed church is to be short. Service will probably last around one half hour.
11. Father's homily is to be short as well as announcements.
The restrictions above may seem harsh to you, but it is through these precautions that the Bishop wants to ensure your safety. The Bishop wants to commend all of you for your patience as we pray and work through the challenges presented by the current pandemic. He asks you to pray for each other, especially for those most affected by this pandemic. We have weathered hardships in the past and we will endure the present challenges if we help one another and maintain our focus on Christ.