Browsing the 2023 archive of Blog

Trivia - April 16

Posted by paul fritz on 4/14/23

Question: Who was the Roman soldier who pierced the side of Jesus, and was converted to Christianity, becoming a Saint? He was nearly blind and was healed when some of the blood and water from Jesus fell into his eyes.




Answer: St. Longinus



Trivia - April 9

Posted by paul fritz on 4/07/23

Question: How many days make up the “Easter Season”? It begins with Easter Sunday and ends with what celebration?




Answer: The Easter Season lasts 50 days and ends with Pentecost.

Trivia - April 2

Posted by paul fritz on 3/31/23

Question: What is the “Magisterium”?Answer:  The Roman Catholic Church's authority to give authentic interpretation of the Word of God.

Trivia - March 26

Posted by paul fritz on 3/24/23

Question: Who is the Franciscan Saint who spread the Stations of the Cross throughout the world? He built 572 replicas of the Stations throughout Italy alone, with the most famous at the Colosseum, where the Vatican’s Good Friday service is held.




Answer: St. Leonard of Port Maurice

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Trivia - March 19

Posted by paul fritz on 3/16/23

Question: What is the difference between “petitionary prayer” and “intercessory prayer”?




Answer: Petitionary prayer is when you pray for yourself and your own needs. Intercessory prayer is when you pray for the needs of others.



Trivia - March 12

Posted by paul fritz on 3/10/23

Question: What was the “sign” of the prophet Jonah?




Answer: Jonah spent 3 days and 3 nights in the belly of a whale, and returned to Nineveh where the city repented for their sins. Jesus would die and be resurrected, causing repentance of even the Gentiles. ... Read More »

Trivia - March 5

Posted by paul fritz on 3/02/23

Question: Who ate locusts and honey while he was in the wilderness?




Answer: John the Baptist (Matthew 3:4)


Trivia - February 26

Posted by paul fritz on 2/24/23

Question: Who was the disciple of Jesus charged with keeping track of their money?




Answer: Judas Iscariot kept the "common purse" (John 12:6)


Trivia - February 19

Posted by paul fritz on 2/16/23

Question: Which is the larger body of water—Dead Sea or Sea of Galilee?




Answer: The very salty Dead Sea is larger than the freshwater Sea of Galilee.



Trivia - February 12

Posted by paul fritz on 2/11/23

Question: What does the Latin abbreviation INRI stand for? And where do we usually find it?





Answer: Iesus Nazarenus Rex Iudaeorum (the inscription placed over Christ's head on the Crucifix) This is Latin for Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews.