Browsing the 2016 archive of Blog

Trivia - Papal Coronation Quote

Posted by paul fritz on 1/16/16

Question: During the papal coronation, newly elected Popes are traditionally told "Annos Petri non videbis".  What does this statement mean and to whom does it refer?Answer: He will not see the years of Peter. St. Peter is recognized as the longest reigning Pope with a reign of about 35 ... Read More »

Trivia - Longest Serving Pope

Posted by paul fritz on 1/09/16

Question: According to the Vatican, what Pope had the longest reign, head of the Roman Catholic Church for some 35 years?Answer:  St. Peter (the first Pope!)Read more:

Trivia - Wise Men and Camels

Posted by paul fritz on 1/02/16

Question: Did the Wise Men ride on camels or did they use them to carry their gifts?Answer: The Bible makes no mention of camels with the Wise Men, therefore we cannot know if they rode on them, used them as pack animals or if they even had camels at all.