Sewing For the Haiti Orphans This Past Week

Once again, the volunteers who helped with our “Sewing for Haiti Orphans” were very productive. Eighteen women gathered at Mother Cabrini Parish Center on Monday and Tuesday where they made fifty pairs of shorts and thirty-four jumpers during their sewing sessions. Another seventy-seven dresses were brought in from one volunteer. Many kits were taken to continue sewing for the project over the summer and fall.

A big thanks go out to the following women: Carol Robison, Mary Wolcott, Joann Hersh, Judy Webber, Isy Leppert, Judy Dickey, Mary Morris, Alberta Thomann, Janet Fritz, Karen Morgan, Jo Horras, Carol Starr, Sandy Sobaski, Eleanor Sobaski, Rosemary Pacha, Karen Horras, Shirley Van Dee, Marsha Sieren and Mary Jo Gruneich. In addition, several people who couldn’t help came with donations of t-shirts, fabrics and notions. There will be about 250 more garments to ship to Haiti as a result of all your generous gifts of time, talents and supplies. Our parish community and beyond is so blessed. The garments will be taken directly to Haiti this winter by an ophthalmologist and his staff where they do mission work for two months each year.