If you have not yet registered your children for Religious Education, please contact Carol Robison.
K-8 Classes
We are using a new program this year. Pflaum leaflets will be sent home for parents to teach their children. Once a month on a Wednesday night from 6:30-8:30pm parents and children will meet at the church to discuss what the have learned in the preceding month and receive more leaflet lessons.
The Wednesday night has not been chosen as yet (1st, 2nd, 3rd, or 4th Wednesday of the month). We need the parents' input this week so that the schedule may be set up. It is of utmost importance that parents and children attend this on Wednesday night of each month. So far, the 2nd Wednesday has been ruled out.
Ila Mae Hanish, Adult and Family Formation for the Diocese will be here for opening class on Sunday, September 30 after Mass.
High School Classes
We are excited to announce that Sandy Sobaski will be conducting a Teen Religious Education Program this year in her home at 27501 Hwy. 78. This will be on the 3rd Wednesday night of each month starting on October 17th. Sessions will run from 6-8 with a dinner at 6 Pm. This will be open to all in High School. Sandy will be emailing all whose email address she has. If you know of anyone not receiving the email message please invite them to attend. It is sure to be an exciting year.