Next Sunday, October 6, we will begin our participation in the Annual Diocesan Appeal, the primary fund raising campaign of our diocesan church. Our parish goal this year is $16,755. We will need the support of every one in the parish so we won’t have to take out of the parish funds to meet our goal. Pledge envelopes will be passed out next weekend. The pledges can be made as a single payment, spread out over monthly payments, or paid by credit card or automatic withdrawal.
Please read the material attached to your bulletin this week and consider how you might be able to contribute or pledge to this Appeal. Our thanks to you in advance.
When a parish goes over its goal, 100% of that overage amount is returned to the parish for its use. As of August 1, over $79,000 has been refunded to diocesan parishes.
We pray that we may recognize our need to give of what we have to help others, to return to God through the Annual Diocesan Appeal a portion of what God has given to us.