This week is our kick-off for the 2012 Annual Diocesan Appeal (ADA).
Last week you received a flyer explaining what the appeal is all about. Additional flyers are available in the pews and at the entrance of church. If a one time pledge is a hardship, please consider making a pledge that can be paid in monthly payments. Electronic and credit card giving is also available.
Checks should be made out to ”Diocese of Davenport”. Your IRS tax letters will come from the Diocese. May God Bless you for your generosity and willingness to share for the benefit of our entire local church.
This Sunday, you will find flyers and envelopes at the end of each pew. Please pass them down and, if you are prepared, we encourage you to make your pledge today and drop it in the collection basket. You may also bring your pledge back next week, or mail to parish office.
Thank you for joining us in this special diocesan–wide effort to support our local church.